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streetview example

  • Mapping trails
  • Landslides on roads
  • Oil and Gas pipelines
  • Mapping sidewalks
  • Checking power lines
  • Sewer pipe and manhole inspection
  • Drainage channel, Storm inlets

Broad Areas

  • Architecture, engineering, construction
  • Federal government
  • Emergency management
  • Law enforcement


Thank you to these community members for contributing to these use case examples.

  • TREKK Design Group conducts safer and more efficient remote inspections, leveraging 360-degree camera technology where humans once ventured on tethers and safety cables. The old way of inspecting wastewater and stormwater assets is officially obsolete.
  • Nodeology provides high-level geospatial technology services, including enterprise implementations, systems engineering, software development, workflow design, process automation, and more!
  • POSM Software LLC provides efficient and user-friendly sewer, storm drain, manhole, well, and pipeline data collection and management solutions. Since 2000, they've been committed to delivering reliable software, exceptional real-time technical support, and seamless integration with most inspection systems in today's market.